If anyone has any suggestions please feel free to bring them up. What's your thought's on a safety car? In my opinion I don't think LFS simulates this very well but if the majority would like to see this we can maybe implement it.
OK that's good then. I was concerned that the tyre rule might be making people reluctant to sign up. I do think the R2 rule brings a new element to the table so I'll keep it as it is.
Updated. Sign up has been a little slow, but maybe it will pick up.
What's your thoughts on the mandatory R2 compound rule, maybe I should revise this idea and enable R3's to be used? It takes away the element of stratergy, but it may encourage more drivers to sign up.
The GT Series is a one-make series using the FZR with a 28% air restriction. Each round consists of 3 sessions. 20min qualifying session, 15min* sprint race (qualifying order) and a 30min* feature race (reverse order). All sessions must be run with R2’s only. The pits will be open if you wish to make a pit stop.
If the test race is a success we will be hoping to broadcast every round with live commentary.
4. Chat is prohibited in the official sessions. Drivers may only use chat to alert the admin.
5. Always use common sense.
Entry Details
To sign up please reply in this thread using the following format. Due to this being a test race, team sign up is not required. 30 drivers is the limit. A reminder containing the server password and details will be private messaged to your account here on the 15th August.
LFS Username: FSurname1 Driver Number: 00 (01-99) First initial and last name: F.Surname
Be careful on those 85s, they really are rapid, allot of people under estimate them. If you want something just to play around I'd suggest a pit bike. 4-stroke, cheap and more resistant to wear and tear. Have you rode bikes before? you could get two 85 small wheel's in the back of a vogue, but i dont think it would be very wise to put dirty bikes in a nice motor like that.
If you push boxing underground where medical controls would be non-existent, Im sure we'd see far more incidents than we do now.
How about we ban motorsport... everyone would stop speeding then yeah?